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Tableta espumosa de esterilización para limpieza

Impuesto incluido.

Procedimiento de compra

Al hacer clic en "Solicitar cotización", ingrese su información y mensaje, y envíelo. Nos pondremos en contacto con usted y le proporcionaremos una factura lo antes posible.

  • Foaming tablet agent improves the discomfort of conventional liquid and powder based products
  • Foaming tablet type for easy storage and carrying and for immediate use when needed
  • Compared to liquid and powder type products, easy and convenient to measure and economical to avoid overuse
  • Use of active ingredients applicable to various fields

Sterilization · Cleaning

a04001b003ecc (1).png__PID:59cb3c94-0193-4b02-b8a1-2d50ce6aa419

Economic Use

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Foaming Tablet for Easy-to-use


Oxygen meter Oxidizer


Various Sizes

Product Usage


In the house

Applied to various areas including sterilization of toothbrushes, cups, bottles, toys, kitchen containers, etc.


In public facilities

Sterilization of facilities like swimming pools and hot springs.

Customizing List

  • The concentration of active ingredients, packaging, size, weight, foamingtime(melting time), etc.
  • Able to manufacture of foaming tablet and foaming Powder type
  • Able to provide eco-friendly neutralizers for sewage treatment after using

Certification · Patent · Technology

Purification and manufacturing method for producing chlorine dioxide
How to remove scale formed from biofilm and silver oxide
How to remove scale using chlorine dioxide


Photocatalytic Honeycomb Filter Rectagular (6).png__PID:a00682b1-1da1-43b5-adf4-6bcc4d4a5504

Sterilization foaming tablet for cleaning Large

Photocatalytic Honeycomb Filter Rectagular (5).png__PID:dc3178a4-2eb8-4c23-82ae-b759f7bdb754

Sterilization foaming tablet for cleaning Large

Photocatalytic Honeycomb Filter Rectagular (4).png__PID:3178a42e-b8fc-43c2-aeb7-59f7bdb754e8

Sterilization foaming tablet for cleaning Small

Photocatalytic Honeycomb Filter Rectagular (7).png__PID:23c2aeb7-59f7-4db7-94e8-2fad1fbed88c

Sterilization foaming tablet for cleaning Small

Model Filter Size

Filter Shape / SizeWidth (mm)Length (mm)Height (mm)Internal Cell
D50D5010Circle / Square
D50D5012.5Circle / Square
Square33338Circle / Square
Square555510Circle / Square
Square75258Circle / Square
Square100408Circle / Square
Square1001008Circle / Square